Legislative activity

Chairman of the Presidium of the ICA "Aronov and Partners" Alexander Vladimirovich Aronov heads the Legal Support Committee of the National Association of Healthcare Managers. Lawyer of ICA "Aronov and Partners" Alexandrov Ivan Sergeevich is a member of this Committee. The Collegium, in cooperation with NAHI, regularly works to develop proposals for subjects of legislative initiative aimed at improving the quality of regulation in the field of health care and medical care in the Russian Federation. Among other things, the Board is developing legislative proposals providing for the emergence of doctors the right to acquire a special legal status (by analogy with lawyers, notaries, auditors, arbitration managers, etc.), giving the right to conduct private medical practice (outside any medical institution ). At the same time, the doctor becomes an independent subject of civil circulation and is personally liable for the harm caused to the patient, which implies the need for compulsory liability insurance for such doctors.

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