

Company incorporation in Hong Kong: 

  • Certificate of incorporation issuance;
  • Business registration certificate issuance;
  • NNC1 (registration form);
  • Preparation of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the legal entity;
  • Obtaining company common seal.


Legal support in the process of company renewal:

  • Company incorporation for 1 year;
  • Legal entity secretary services for 1 year;
  • Renewal of business registration certificate;
  • Submission of the annual return NAR1;
  • Submission of NIL Income Tax Return / NIL Employment.

Legal support in opening a bank account:

  • Selection of a bank for opening an account;
  • Preparation of a set of company documents;
  • Obtaining prior consent from the bank manager;
  • Appointment for the interview at the bank;
  • Accompanying the client in the bank during an interview;
  • Preparation of relevant documents;
  • Receipt of account data and tokens upon agreed term.

Preparation of documents for a company with an apostille:

  • Preparation of a document with affixed apostille (for example, in respect of the company performance report, business registration certificate, certificate of renewal of registration, etc.);
  • Preparation of a certificate (Certificate of Incumbency), including registration information about an international company. Incumbency also reflects information about authorized persons - shareholders, directors, etc.;
  • Preparation of a set of documents certified and apostilled (Certificate of Incorporation, Business registration certificate, NNC1 (registration form) or NAR1).

Preparation of a notarial certificate with affixed apostille


Legal support in substitution of a shareholder (together with transfer of shares)


Legal support in carrying out the annual audit 




  1. Incorporation of a company in China with 100% foreign capital (China mainland company (WFOE)).
  2. Incorporation of WFOE in the International Trade Administration in China.
  3. Legal support for office rental and execution of a rental agreement.
  4. Registration of an export-import license.
  5. Issuance of an ICP license (digital license).
  6. Registration of a work visa, work permit, residence permit.
  7. Opening a corporate bank account.
  8. Legal support for accounting and tax registration:

    1. Registration of financial statements for the 1st year (to be submitted every month, starting from the month of incorporation of the company);
    2. Preparation of financial statements for the 2nd year; (monthly preparation of accounts for WFOE);
    3. Provision of legal services in the capacity of an auditor.
  9. Trademark registration.
  10. Legalization of documents.
  11. Legal support for payment of value added tax (VAT return).
  12. Execution of the report on verification of the counterparty.
  13. Provision of legal advice for liquidation of the company.


Registration of a company in CHINA and HONG KONG on a turnkey basis   


  1. Registration of the GC (group of companies) of the company in the name of the person represented by the client.
  2. Legalization of documents of the group of companies of the company.
  3. Registration of a mainland company (WFOE):
    1. Lease of legal (registration) address;
    2. Legal serviced on behalf of the nominee director - a citizen of China;
    3. Legal serviced on behalf of the controller (auditor).
  4. Registration of WHOE in the International Trade Administration in China.
  5. Obtaining the license for import-export.
  6. Opening a bank account.


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