Moscow Bar Association "Aronov & Partners"

Antimonopoly law

Antimonopoly authorities have great powers: audit of companies and their agreements, control of mergers, investigations, analysis of the state of market competition, to name a few.

Furthermore, regulation of antimonopoly regulations is being tightened, and penalties imposed as a result of sanctions are increased. In order to conduct business effectively, it is necessary to ensure strict compliance with antitrust laws and regulations.
The lawyers of “Aronov & Partners” are highly qualified specialists in the area of antimonopoly regulation. We have successfully implemented a large number of projects upon approval by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia of transactions with interests (shares) and reorganizations of companies.

Our clients are subjects of natural monopolies, companies participating in tenders (44-FZ, 223-FZ), leasing state property and participating in tenders for management of multi-apartment residential buildings. In addition, we have unique legal expertise in the area of cartel agreements, including successful experience in invalidating relevant orders of the antimonopoly authorities.


Legal advice

  1. Legal advice on application of antimonopoly law; 
  2. Legal advice on approval of transactions with the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, preparation of necessary documents; 
  3. Legal advice on investigation of violations in the area of antimonopoly law, preparation of complaints, representation of interests in antimonopoly disputes and in cases of administrative offenses, appeal of orders of the FAS of Russia; 
  4. Legal advice on establishment (structuring) of holding companies, taking into account antimonopoly laws and regulations; 
  5. Legal advice on execution of transactions for exercising control by a foreign investor over companies of strategic importance; advice on participation in tenders (44-FZ, 223-FZ, 123-FZ), and on the right to manage apartment buildings. 
  6. Legal advice on implementation of mechanism of banking support in the area of state defense order, and utilization standards of cash transferred to a separate account under the relevant transaction under the state defense order; 
  7. Legal advice on implementation of contracts (agreements) under the state defense order, for the purpose of identification of legal grounds and consequences of approval of management resolutions on utilization of funds under the state defense order (carried out at the written request of the Customer); 
  8. Assessment of compliance with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation on the state defense order in terms of utilization of cash received under the state defense order, arising from performance of contracts by the Customer and making payments for manufactured products, and payment for products purchased out of the funds available on a separate account.


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