Moscow Bar Association "Aronov & Partners"

Corporate law

The team of “Aronov & Partners” has great experience in legal support of M&A transactions of large international and Russian companies in transport and consumer sectors, construction holdings, investment, trading and IT companies. At least half of the M&A projects covered by our legal support are governed by foreign laws and regulations (English, Italian, Liechtenstein law and a number of other jurisdictions).

Our lawyers have significant experience in legal support of issuers engaged in public and private offers of shares, issuance of bonds in Russia. Legal expertise and practical experience of specialists of “Aronov & Partners” enables us to successfully carry out all types of corporate reorganizations, establish and optimize holding structures, provide legal support in the process of operating activities, and support complex projects, including transactions executed outside Russia.

Our legal experts also have significant experience in developing, implementing and reviewing corporate policies and procedures, including anti-corruption and antitrust policies, procurement procedures, disclosure and protection of information, receiving and giving gifts, and charity activities.

Legal advice

  1. Performance of legal due diligence of the acquired asset; 
  2. Structuring a transaction; 
  3. Participation in the negotiation of the terms and conditions of the transaction; 
  4. Preparation and analysis of relevant documentation related to the transaction (preliminary contracts, contracts formalizing acquisition of the asset; options, shareholder agreements; corporate resolutions; documents containing voluntary or mandatory offer, request for redemption of shares; issue documents; documents necessary for approval of transaction with governmental authorities);
  5. Approval of the transaction by governmental authorities (FAS of Russia, Government Commission, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, etc.); 
  6. If necessary, provision of legal opinion on the project (Legal Opinion).
    Legal advisor on the following transactions:
    1. share offerings on Russian stock exchanges, including IPO transactions,
    2. sending a voluntary/mandatory offer for redemption of shares,
    3. issuance of bonds of Russian companies.

The Moscow Bar Association “Aronov & Partners” provides the following legal services:

  1. Establishment and structuring of business (including transnational holdings and companies with special purpose), compliance with all regulatory requirements in regulated business areas; 
  2. Giving advice on corporate restructuring (reorganization and liquidation); 
  3. Holding negotiations and drafting commercial contracts; 
  4. Giving advice on any matters of corporate relations, including on corporate governance, development of corporate procedures and policies required by laws and regulations, their implementation and subsequent verification; 
  5. Preparation of documentation and organization of meetings of the board of directors and / or general meetings of shareholders / members; 
  6. Protection of business owners against corporate takeovers (hostile takeover) and greenmail.


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