Moscow Bar Association "Aronov & Partners"

Tax law

The team of the international law firm “Aronov & Partners” is ready to provide a wide range of legal advice in case of any tax audit and occurrence of any matters which require tax advice.

Legal advice

  1. Carrying out preliminary analysis of the taxpayer's activities before commencement of a tax audit.
    This legal advice is essentially similar to field tax audit, constituting some type of practical training, which will enable you to prepare for the audit if there is every reason to believe that it will be conducted soon or has recently been initiated and for the purpose of being assured that no pending audit is around in the near future.
    The preliminary analysis includes diagnostics of relationship between the taxpayer and counterparties for the purpose of identification of risks of accrual of additional tax charges, namely:
    1. Examination of reality of relationships with specific counterparty in accordance with applicable requirements of tax regulations - article 54.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and its case law;
    2. Examination of existence of business objects of the relationship with a counterparty;
    3. Examination whether reasonable care is exercised in the process of selection of counterparties.
  2. Legal support in case of tax audit.
    Within the scope of legal support by the lawyer during the audit, the following activities are performed:
    1. Development of legal opinion when calling employees for questioning;
    2. Accompanying the client's employees in case of interrogation by tax authorities;
    3. Participation in searches, seizures, other tax control measures;
    4. Collection of evidence confirming that the taxpayer acted in good faith;
    5. Development of optimal strategy of behavior when communicating with tax officers;
    6. Tax expertise of transactions for the purpose of identify risky transactions;
    7. Examination of a set of documents to be submitted to tax authority;
    8. Preparation of answers to claims, requests and other documents received from the tax authorities. 
  3. Appeal of the results of tax audit.
    Each company individually decides whether it should appeal the resolution / certificate of the tax authority or whether it is better to immediately pay the outlined tax amounts into the budget due to absence of any prospects. At the same time, it is possible to understand whether it is worth going further in addition to analyzing the procedural documents and the tax dispute in general.
    What do we offer?

    Analysis absolutely free of charge of the order / resolution of the tax authority, the court order and assessment of future prospects specifically in respect of your situation.
    Just send the order / resolution to us by e-mail: or immediately visit the office of our Bar Association to discuss possible future prospects.

    What legal advice do we provide?
    1. Appeal of orders of tax authorities - preparation of objections to the tax audit report;
    2. Appeal of resolutions of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service, Directorate of the Federal Tax Service;
    3. Appeal of unlawful actions of officers of the tax authority;
    4. Appeal of judicial orders on all levels issued in respect of tax disputes;
    5. Collection of “proper” evidence;
    6. Representation of interests of the taxpayer in tax authorities, courts. 
  4. Accompanying an individual in the tax authority.
    There are a great number of reasons for being invited to the tax authority. Please find below the most common reasons:
    1. Invitation for interrogation in the capacity of a witness;
    2. Invitation for “just talk” questioning;
    3. Invitation to the committee for legalization of the tax base;
    4. Invitation to the committee due to high proportion of tax deductions;
    5. Invitation to the committee as a result of presence of “gaps” in VAT;
    6. Invitation to the committee due to serios discrepancies. 

      Whatever reason for invitation is contained in the official document on the basis of which you are invited to the tax authority, it is always worth preparing in advance for visiting the inspection and preparing the list of possible questions from the tax authorities and answers acceptable for them.
  5. Tax advice:
    1. Advice on application of tax regulations and case law;
    2. Examination of correctness of assessment of taxes, fees and insurance premiums;
    3. Assessment of tax risks related to activities of the company;
    4. Modeling the tax burden;
    5. Advice on VAT in case of provision of services, performance of works, supply of goods between Russian and foreign companies;
    6. Advice on taxation in the area of electronic services;
    7. Legal advice on issues of tax exemption and application of reduced tax rates (in particular, VAT).
    8. Advice on VAT refunds;
  6. Appeal of other actions of the tax authority:
    1. Appeal of resolutions of the tax authority on entering inaccurate details into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
    2. Appeal/release of blocked accounts;
    3. Appeal of prohibitions on registration actions;
    4. Appeal of unlawful claims of the tax authority;
    5. Appeal of resolutions on enforcement of interim relief;
    6. Appeal of other actions of the tax authority.



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